misty skies

love watching up at the misty skies
as the drops fall n soak me
feels like your embrace
and that i can be myself again

this one i found while browsing the net today:

The rain drops seem so pure
in a world largely fake
the ambience intoxicating
water seeping through clothes soaked the soul
but still the feeling of being lonely surmounted me,
gradually taking over my desires, dreams n rationality,
i wish i could get out of it ...
eyes were blurred, legs got heavier,
i heard screams "come back" and whispers "i'll come along",
yet couldn't gather enough courage to look back and beileve in u, again
i lingered on endlessly through the darkness hoping for an out stretched arm
holding my palm tightly with eyes reflecting a silent promise,
lets get drenched together in this rain n forever....

there were no tears...those were raindrops that ran down my face.

1 people decided to speak up:

Name said...

I want a new post.......and you are not a sophomore, no more !!

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