been out of blogger for a long time..feel
ki baat hai bhai..heheh.am in a real chill mood rite now.pull my ears and
u'll get a kiss back in return..that s how it goes.
got our
mumbai tickets booked today..today is the day it has started feeling real.
mumbai as a city has fascinated me since childhood.i remember cutting out an
ICICI bank advertisement which
had the picture of marine drive in night and pasting it on my room's w
all :D...i have always wanted to visit that city.god,am i excited!though personally the few
frends who have been there have not given the best of reviews of
mumbai as a holiday destination,yet somewhere i know i am gonna enjoy the experience to the hilt.
hall 5 !
Deepayan-even they could not pronounce it properly in the end.perhaps it was symbolic of how the event was-insipid.the musicals were drag,the dance decent,the structures almost comical and the skit unnecessecarily loud yet flat.missed the chorero-thankfully!the food was good ,and my heart went out to sudip and prashant when they explained how only a handful of guys had put all the show up-hall 5 is never gonna be the same again-all the aura of a third yearite hostel long gone,but things are only get better from now on..i mean,c'mon,it was their first show!dunno though how deepshikha's shaping out.dont like the feel of it-even though i know there are ramu and others toiling out at this unearthly hour,but we definitely expected a better participation from the Y7 junta-especially considering how we have got to live up to the hype created by last year's deepshikha.day after tomorrow will tell.
yahoo! i got my first preference in
HSS-philosophy.really wanted to explore this course after the
English literature course last year.
I've found myself actually enjoying these art courses-more than the nerdy ones-strange as it seems-still.the course content was stimulating -metaphysics and a debate on
atheism among others.the instructor seems a bit of an issue,and i was really torn between choosing this course and the logic course(that would have enhanced my computing knowledege as well and the content seemed quite intersting too)-still i hope it will be worth it.
And At Last..
endsems are on head-padhai shuru karne ka time aa hi gaya finally agar kuch bhi izzat bachani hai-varna is baar to 1-2 fakke pakke hi hain.still i find myself on the verge of another nightout with my gang(they are watching a movie as usual,and i am not interested and tinkering with my lappy as usual :D ).listening to Hotel California by Eagles-this song has me hooked for the time being.guess the movie is almost over,judging by the movements on the opposite side of the room-its almost 6.time for the MT to open-and time to end another night out with a sutta-ciao!